Monday, 13 August 2012

Languages are Fun!


Seriously, I adore languages and find being able to have a conversation in something that is not your native tongue truly wonderful.

For me, the origin of words has always been some what of an interest, especially when the words are similar to English. Therefore todays post has perhaps a message or a goal. My advice is to go out and learn another, I know it is ambitous and a big ask. Languages are difficult to learn but it is so rewarding and fun.

I can't really explain my enjoyment but maybe it's because learning another language allows you to learn so much more about your own. It helps develop your understanding and once you learn one it is so much easier to learn another.

Anyway, this post was intended to be short and to just put an interesting idea into your head. I hope it was successful but if not I must say I am currently studying German at College and hopefully at University so there's a chance my opinion might be just a tiny bit biased! haha!

 just a few of pictures from my trip to Berlin

Heres a few simple and general german words :)

Hello - Hallo
Good day - Guten Tag 
Good Morning - Guten Morgen 
Good Afternoon - Guten Abend
Good Night - Guten Nacht 
Good bye - Auf Wiedersehen 
See you soon - Bis bald 
Yes - Ja 
No - Nein 
Please - Bitte 
Thank you - Danke 
Excuse me - Entschuldigung Sie bitte
I'm sorry - Es tut mir leid

(if anyone would like a post with more german phrases just let me know)


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