Monday, 29 August 2011

my second year of college plan

Everyone is in the same situation right now, we are all excited for the new start in September or October for our studies and we all want to make the start fresh and almost a new us. For example those with a new hair style or a new wardrobe. I'm the same and I thought it would be cool to show my plan and what I want to do to improve my studies. I do this every year and sometimes stick to it for awhile but eventually I never follow through with my plans. haha! Anyways I thought some people might enjoy it or even do it too!

  • write out my personal statement and my University applications
  • choose the five Universities I would like to apply to go to
  • new bag for College
  • new files for my work
  • break in several shoes
  • buy a pair of cream loafers
  • new tops 
  • driving lessons! 
  • study for my theory test
  • get my hair cut and dyed lighter
  • buy The Colour Purple and Macbeth also read them!
  • buy German Dictionary 
  • buy highlighters
  • buy pencils
  • buy pens
  • buy paper
  • buy memory pen 
  • buy extra hard drive
I recommend everyone do these lists they help immensely with organising and preparing for the new academic year. Lots to buy but this is the perfect time to buy everything as there are a lot of good deals in stores, with some things I've noticed to be more than half price!

Good Luck!
                                                Happy shopping love Beth xoxo

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