Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Makeup Updates!

Hey Everyone!

Here's some of the updates I'll be making shortly to my makeup collection

Mac Viva Glam GaGa 3 lipstick
Mac Blush in Springsheen and dollymix


Soap and Glory Super Colour Sexy Mother Pucker Lipgloss

Girls Aloud Nicola false eyelashes by Eylure

Dainty Doll Blush

Elizabeth Arden Limited Edition Anniversary Eight Hour Lip Protectant

Lord and Berry Alchimia High Preformance Volume and Definition Mascara

Love Beth

Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Hey Everyone!

I was just chilling in my grandparents garden and look who was paying a visit!

So very cute and adorable!


Monday, 12 September 2011


Hey everyone,

Recently, I've been looking through my old images from several years ago and I found some of food that I'd eaten! haha! I used to really enjoy photography alongside my friend and we would take many photos. Anyways I decided to share some, they are old and badly editedbut I find it extremely amusing I thought they were so good and fantastic quality at one point :)

Hopefully they aren't disgusting to anyone haha! Show me some of your old pictures that are funny and crazy too! It's fun, I promise!

Beth xoxo

Monday, 5 September 2011

Work Work Work Gotta Work

Hey Everyone.

Just an update, enrolled in College today, it was great and I'm exciting to get right back into my studies as lately I've been slacking in them!

Anyways hope everyone is okay and settingly in well and not too nervous for University if that is the case and good luck! Have fun and enjoy yourself :)


Friday, 2 September 2011

Top Ten Travel Destinations

Hey everyone!

Thought todays post could be something fun and travel related! One day I wanna travel the world but as that hasn't happened yet, these are my dream places to visit. I had to think long and hard so here they are:
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • St Petersburg, Russia
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • New York, USA
  • LA, USA
  • Perth, Australia
  • Niagara Falls, Canada
  • Berlin Germany
  • Hong Kong, China
  • Rio De Janerio, Brazil
 So those are mine in no particular order :) It was a tough desicion haha! I have lots more! What are your top ten? Have a think and I'd love to hear for more ideas and your recommendations for good places to visit will always be appreciated.


Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Manchester Visit

Hi everyone,

I'm currently sitting in a hotel in Manchester as I'm visiting for a few days to shop. So far it's been a really enjoyable experience. It's strange really, I come from a very small town, it isn't a village or anything but it's small :) Theres such a huge difference when shopping here compared to the North East. Even Newcastle which I thought was an amazing city is not as good as here. I'm loving this great piece of retail therapy right before school, it's perfect to quickly purchase some new key statement pieces for Autumn and Winter.

Tonight, I'll be watching 'The Rise of The Planet of Apes' I think thats the title and hopefully it'll be a good one. Fingers crossed! Afterwards I reckon I'll be checking out the night life as this city could potentially be on my University list.

Also I wanted to share another tip with anyone who is moving away for their studies and perhaps living in dorms or their own place. I know that the TV licenses are expensive and many students choose not to pay them and do without a TV and instead use their laptop which is a great idea. My tip is to start to invest in lots of box sets or DVD's so that on the days that you have spare time or want something in the background while your getting ready then you can use them. It's also perfect if you need your daily dose of TV, I actually don't want that much TV but I love a good box set which you can watch regularly any time you want :)

Some of the box sets I'll be investing in over the course of this year are:
  • True Blood
  • CSI, CSI Miami, CSI New York
  • Sex and the City
  • Will and Grace
  • Friends <3 love it!
  • Gossip Girl
  • Greys Anatomy
  • Damages
  • The Hills and The City
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • The Inbetweeners
Good Luck everyone! I fully recommend you all visit Manchester it's a wonderful and exciting city! Hope my tip helps someone!
Love Beth 

Monday, 29 August 2011

my second year of college plan

Everyone is in the same situation right now, we are all excited for the new start in September or October for our studies and we all want to make the start fresh and almost a new us. For example those with a new hair style or a new wardrobe. I'm the same and I thought it would be cool to show my plan and what I want to do to improve my studies. I do this every year and sometimes stick to it for awhile but eventually I never follow through with my plans. haha! Anyways I thought some people might enjoy it or even do it too!

  • write out my personal statement and my University applications
  • choose the five Universities I would like to apply to go to
  • new bag for College
  • new files for my work
  • break in several shoes
  • buy a pair of cream loafers
  • new tops 
  • driving lessons! 
  • study for my theory test
  • get my hair cut and dyed lighter
  • buy The Colour Purple and Macbeth also read them!
  • buy German Dictionary 
  • buy highlighters
  • buy pencils
  • buy pens
  • buy paper
  • buy memory pen 
  • buy extra hard drive
I recommend everyone do these lists they help immensely with organising and preparing for the new academic year. Lots to buy but this is the perfect time to buy everything as there are a lot of good deals in stores, with some things I've noticed to be more than half price!

Good Luck!
                                                Happy shopping love Beth xoxo

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Nail Polish Looks

Hi everyone :)

I have recently gotten into painting my nails doing my third finger a different colour on each hand and most of the time with glitter or sparkles! I think this is such a cute and eye catching look and I have some pictures to show you! I've been doing it all summer and I'm addicted!

So before I show you the pictures I'm not the greatest nail painter in the world! So it might be a lil messy! haha! Usually I clean up my not so steady hand with a cotton wool bud dipped in nail varnish remover :)

Sorry if these images aren't very clear, I didn't use my camera, taken on an Iphone.

Now for the messy one! Hoepfully you can still see the look :)

Here's a list of some of the looks I think would compliment each other
  • pink nails and two green nails with silver glitter
  • lilac nails with two silver nails with sparkles
  • red and two black nails with gold glitter
  • white and two icy blue nails with sparkles
  • plain nails with gold glitter 
  • orange nails and two yellow nails with gold glitter
Hopefully this idea will inspire you
Good Luck!
Beth xoxo

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Maybelline The Eraser Foundation Review

Hi everyone,

Today, I will be reviewing the Maybelline 'The Eraser' Foundation. I heard about this new product from Teen Vogue and was even more excited than usual as it was released on my Birthday! January 15th! At least it was released in England then. I bought it one week ago and have tried it out over this past week. I have sensitive skin so I'm extra careful when purchasing a new product. It seemed to tick all of the right boxes as the colour selection was very good, I like to remain quite pale and hate it when the lightest colours are way too dark! I decided to try the lightest colour which is 010 Ivory and I have to say it compliments my skin rather well. I'm used to wearing something a little paler but this colour really does suit. It gives me a glow rather than completely being white. It glides on absolutely wonderful as you use a kind of sponge applicator which comes with the foundation, as you can see on the picture :). This leaves a smooth coverage that for me did last all day and often I did not feel the need to reapply which is normally the case.

Basically you turn the top of the bottle in the direction of the arrow on the neck, it should click and then you apply it to your face like you would with an eraser. This is most likely the reason for the name. I have to admit you do get best results when used in a circular motion like when correcting a mistake. I really, really love this foundation and am so happy I decided to try it. My previous foundation was the No7 Lift and Luminate foundation from Boots in the colour Alabaster. This foundation is much better than that one which I thought was perfect for me. I fully recommend anyone to try it as in comparison to a moose it is just as weightless and flawless. It doesn't feel like it is blocking my pores unlike some liquid foundations. The foundation also possesses Anti Age ingredients, Collagen and Goji Berry aswell as being SPF 18. I cannot think of a huge fault, although I did prefer applying with a brush. The sponge is easy to use and fairly simple to ensure you apply the right amount and do not waste it. Yet, I cannot come up with a plausible way of cleansing the sponge which I would want to do. Unless, there is a way to remove the sponge from the bottle. If I find out I'll let you guys know. Regardless of that quite minor problem, I recommend through my own judgment that it is a great foundation and will suit almost any kind of skin. Definately hit the stores and get it! I think it's ordinarily around £10 from most beauty stores, but I got mine from a deal at Tesco for £6.68 or something! There is also a matching primer so check it out!

I hope my review helps and I hope it has the same effect on you guys!

love Beth xxx