Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Hey Everyone!

I was just chilling in my grandparents garden and look who was paying a visit!

So very cute and adorable!


Monday, 12 September 2011


Hey everyone,

Recently, I've been looking through my old images from several years ago and I found some of food that I'd eaten! haha! I used to really enjoy photography alongside my friend and we would take many photos. Anyways I decided to share some, they are old and badly editedbut I find it extremely amusing I thought they were so good and fantastic quality at one point :)

Hopefully they aren't disgusting to anyone haha! Show me some of your old pictures that are funny and crazy too! It's fun, I promise!

Beth xoxo

Monday, 5 September 2011

Work Work Work Gotta Work

Hey Everyone.

Just an update, enrolled in College today, it was great and I'm exciting to get right back into my studies as lately I've been slacking in them!

Anyways hope everyone is okay and settingly in well and not too nervous for University if that is the case and good luck! Have fun and enjoy yourself :)


Friday, 2 September 2011

Top Ten Travel Destinations

Hey everyone!

Thought todays post could be something fun and travel related! One day I wanna travel the world but as that hasn't happened yet, these are my dream places to visit. I had to think long and hard so here they are:
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • St Petersburg, Russia
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • New York, USA
  • LA, USA
  • Perth, Australia
  • Niagara Falls, Canada
  • Berlin Germany
  • Hong Kong, China
  • Rio De Janerio, Brazil
 So those are mine in no particular order :) It was a tough desicion haha! I have lots more! What are your top ten? Have a think and I'd love to hear for more ideas and your recommendations for good places to visit will always be appreciated.
