Tuesday, 2 October 2012



So it's done! This blog is now going to be known as Larkin Life... for now






New Name

Hey all,

So after much deliberation I've decided to not really abandon this blog (again) but make a fresh, new blog. Yet, it will have the name Femmefatalemode and this current one will become something else. At the moment I have no idea what to name myself. Femmefatalemode was created in early 2009, it's kinda my signature name on social networking sites. I love it too. Every time I try to think of another one, I just can't. The great thing about Femmefatalemode is the fact this name holds so many dear memories and I can trace stuff from my life with it. It reminds me of several of my best friends, english class, my 15 year old brain and much more. 

To be honest, this is rather amusing as I have just mentioned how special this name is to me, and how it marks and symbolises wonderful moments from my life. It's great because it's not just one memory but hundreds if not thousands! Anyway, I cannot actually remember the origin of this name. What I can remember is this...

For my English class coursework we had to write an essay about a film (I think or something to do with methods used in films) regardless of the nature of the essay, I chose to write about Kill Bill. Now Kill Bill isn't my favourite movie or in my top ten, but it's a very cool and cleverly made movie. I think my teacher must've suggested action type films because I reckon they were easier to write about and maybe have more effects in. Nevertheless, I found out that the Bride was a type of Femme Fatale. 

Dictionary Definition: femme faยทtale
An attractive and seductive woman, esp. one who will ultimately bring disaster to a man who becomes involved with her

OKAY, so now it seems a little strange that this is what, a Femme fatale is, but whatever. At the time I thought it was really cool and how this woman was supposedly powerful and strong and I wanted to join it with something that I loved like fashion. Something I also still love and adore is languages specifically german. In my 15 year old mind, I thought that using the german word for fashion which is mode would work great and be different, cool and interesting. Which even now I still kinda think is true :) haha. I hoped that femmefatalemode would somehow mean powerful fashion or enchanting fashion. I did NOT want it to mean disatrous fashion or anything like that. It's meant to be original. I think it could even kinda mean out there fashion or fashion statements by amazing women. Who really knows? As far as I'm concerned it's not a real word and therefore it is subject to interpretation which is another awesome thing about this name :D 

I'm not exactly sure what compelled me to write this anecdote on the birth of femmefatalemode, maybe I am feeling particularly nostalgic today. 

Despite this, a more obvious reason might be because I want to start a new blog with this name and it be everything I want. It's a shame and maybe I am so stupid to have not known or realised this but Blogger give you a limit on how many pictures you can use in your blog which is 1gb. I obviously have used this up because of all my travel photos. So now in order to upload my own images I need to purchase some blog thing. (I don't know, I don't really understand). Anyway, over the course of the Summer I decided that I wanted to start really blogging, which I'm pretty sure I did a post on. Except now I can't blog properly if I don't have my own images which I want because I love to take photos! The best solution I've decided is to start a brand new one and be careful and more selective with my images until I get addicted and decide to actually attempt to understand the payment things for more memory. I also thought it wouldn't really harm this blog as I could change it into a personal diary or something else. I don't know right now but my mind is constantly bursting with ideas :) I didn't want to delete this blog though, because like I've been rambling on for ages about memories and this blog is another great memory. My life really has changed so much since August 2010 and that's why I think it's great to keep this thing alive and kicking. You know, I kinda think I subconciously wanted to do this post so that this will mark the day I fully decided to switch blog names or begin my new one or whatever. So femmefatalemode will live on at least until I change my mind again, which I don't plan to! At least not a while. hahaha

Hmmm I don't really want to put limitations on my new blog but I wanted it to be lots of photos because I like photography :) I think I might do OOTD's and makeup/ product reviews and all kinds of stuff. Oh! Especially NOTD's I love painting my nails (a little obsession of mine). So yeah, I think this post is long enough about a blog change but whatever haha. 

Thank you for reading my crazy, I hope you enjoyed it or at least understood it. I am aware my grammar is actually ridiculous! 

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Guide to Pink Lipsticks


Today's post is all about my favourite pink lipsticks. I love lipsticks and prefer them to lipgloss. I'm not really a fan of wearing gloss ever really. I like having stained lips or just the effect of the lipstick. I think that perhaps this is because I have very dry lips and when I wear lipglosses it tends to become some sort of glue like mixture on my mouth which I loathe! I also find lipsticks last a lot longer on my lips during the day and can even almost look more natural if you want a more neutral kind of face that day. 

My advice for finding the perfect pink lip colour is to decide what kind of look you are going for and also to ensure that it goes with your skin tone/colouring. This is crucial and not to mention it has gotta go with your outfit! Further down this post I will show different shades of pink that are my favourites and give an example of when I wear them. But, first it is important to know what shade suits you. You must also not forget that often your skin changes seasonally and therefore you may need to switch up your shades especially for summer and winter. The usual case for most people is that you wear lighter makeup in summer as generally most will be sporting a tan and the fact that summer normally means heat in most countries and lighter makeup is better. It's easier to wear and if it runs then you won't see it as much. 

I recommend visiting a local makeup counter and asking them to sort of check out your skin and find out which colours compliment your tones the best. Here are some examples I found whilst googling:
 There is even one for eye shadow and eye makeup I'll post the picture but I'll do another piece on eyes soon!

Or you could purchase your own makeup and skin care books. Some which I love are:

The complete book of beauty by Helena Sunnydale
Hair and Makeup by Jane Campsie
Film and Television Makeup by Herman Buchman
1001 Little Beauty Miracles by Esme Floyd
Okay, so after that it's time to put your new knowledge to good use!

There are many different variations of the pink lip.

 The light pink is much more girly and subtle. It's cute and it's fresh.


This is Mac Creme Cup which is definitely one of my easy, simple and go to  lipsticks. I use this pretty much everyday and it is an absolute staple in my makeup bag. It is incredibly reliable and great to wear.

This is Mac Snob and this is another really pretty light pink. It's slightly darker than creme cup and is less subtle but is a great example that the lighter shades can vary in effect too. Snob is a great lipstick if you like lighter shades but want a bit more of a deeper colour. 
The neon pink is eye catching and more fashionable, in a sense it's very trendy.

I think the best example for this particular colour would be Lady Gaga's lipstick the first one for Mac. I love this picture and you can see Gaga wearing the colour.

This shade is very neon and really pops your pout! This is perhaps more of a night time look. Everytime I wear this clubbing or for a special occasion I get tonnes of compliments because it really makes a statement on the face! 

A tip which is more like a GOLDEN RULE is never do both. Always either play up your eyes or lips never both! Seriously, otherwise you will end up looking very clown like. We've all made mistakes but this really isn't a good look. Unless it was intentional like for Halloween. I have witnessed cases were it wasn't too bad but the majority of the time it's a big mistake. I've seen plenty of girls with way too much going on, on the face. The idea is to highlight beauty, if there is too much going on like for example with a fussy outfit it is very hard to appreciate one element of the look. This is exactly the same for the face. Only have one thing going on and keep the other more simple. So choose between the eyes or the lips :)
The darker pink is very sophisticated and elegant.

 This is Mac pink nouveau lipstick, this is probably my most worn lipstick out of every one I own. It's sort of my signature lip colour. I love to wear this as it brightens my face and instantly adds a little more oomph. Which lets face it, is what we all want. I adore the way this colour looks on photos and as my lips aren't that big just an average size, the lipstick manages to make them stand out lots more! 

A good dupe for this is the Nicki Minaj lipstick colour for Mac, however I know this might be difficult to get a hold of since it was limited edition. Nevertheless I thought I might as well let you all know just in case. 
This is my take on pink colours and also remember my skin colouring is quite fair so these might suit paler people but I've tried to be as general as possible :) 

Thanks for reading 

Friday, 7 September 2012